Turysta.US > Przewodnik Filmowy

Sprzêt Filmowy w USA- Movie Making Equipment in USA

Prosumer 1
Canon XL2 $3800 1  -  Bardzo dobra kamera dla poczatkujacych profesjonalistow i niezaleznych producentow filmowych. .
Canon GL2 $2000
Canon XL1-S  1, 2, 3
Panasonic AG-DVX100A ~$4000 (3 CCD and progressive scan)

Canon VIXIA HF100 2.7" LCD 12X HD ~$600 (1, 2)

Tripod With Fluid Head $180-200
$200 Tiffen Davis & Sanford ProVista 7518 Tripod and Head, 75 Video Tripod With FM-18 Fluid Head. (Head Supports up to 18 lbs., Tripods 25 lbs., extends 28" - 64")

Final Cut Pro (Mac only)
Windows: Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas, Media Studio, DVFilm makerMagic Bullet, Avid Liquid, and Avid Xpress
Media Player Classic (klmcodec345) free windows program
AVCHD (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) is a high-definition recording format for use in digital tapeless camcorders. The format is comparable to other handheld video camera recording formats, particularly TOD, HDV and MiniDV.

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